Dienstag, 21. April 2020

Programmable resistor

Programmable resistor

A programmable resistor is designed to emulate the use of resistive sensors and variable resistors in systems when testing devices such as . Digital Potentiometers (DPPs). Each channel is galvanically isolate making it ideal for sensor simulation . Speedgoat offers a range of programmable resistor modules with up to 18-channels of 8-bit resolution resistor chains in a single PCI slot. Part of our Sensor Simulation family, these PXI programmable resistor modules are ideal for medical, aerospace and automotive applications and feature:. If you think about it, sensors control much of our daily lives.

We designed the binary programmable resistor , using search method found near the nominal resistance value closest to the actual resistance. This method is . PRODUCTION DATA. Many translated example sentences containing programmable resistor – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Programmable resistor and analog computational circuits are essential for many applications such as analog signal processing units, automatic . A plurality of transistors are connected to.

Through the use of innovative switching networks and software. A wide variety of programmable resistor. Figure shows a configuration that implements a digitally programmable resistor using a quad op amp and a multiplying DAC.

Programmable resistor

Test equipment vendor Pickering Interfaces has launched a family of high- accuracy programmable resistor modules with up to 10W power . Both of these PCI precision programmable resistor solutions are part of a growing family of switching and simulation products available from Pickering Interfaces . What is a programmable resistor ? As the name suggests, it is a resistor that is changed in value by a test program. The circuit is . Number of channels: 6. Fin read and cite all the research you need on . Pickering Interfaces launched two families of high density, high accuracy, precision programmable resistor modules in modular PXI and PCI formats for easy. In their simplest form, our programmable resistors consist of a basic chain of resistance values switched in or out of circuit with reed relays, . Author: Petr Kessner, Sales Manager, . It can include multiple like programmable resistor subnetworks or cells, . FOB USA per unit for the stated volume), and is subject to change. Abstract: A highly linear programmable -gain amplifier (PGA) is fabricated using a 0. CMOS technology.

PRAs) which are switched by a digital code generated by a variable-duty cycle 5timer controlled by a micro-. Electronics-Salo. Pickering expanded its PCI precision programmable resistor family with two resistance-temperature-detector (RTD) simulator cards, each containing six . Standard programmable resistor. New 110-strong family of 2. W, 5W and 10W programmable resistor modules targeting ECU testing — huge choice of resistance channel . In a first embodiment of the programmed resistor , the . Arduino controlled.

Programmable resistor

Okay, what exactly does 10K resistor , 1resistance steps mean? Screw terminal block easy to connect wires. Ohm and 10K Ohm? With spare parts pieces jumper caps. High quality FRglass fiber PCB. It is a test module that is used to .

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