BC3, BC3-2. LATEST, MOST UP-TO-DATE DATASHEET AND PRODUCT INFORMATION, . Electrical Characteristics Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted. FE Classification. SWITCHING APPLICATION.
Parameters and Characteristics. Description, Small . Note: The Copyright . All rights reserved. Product data sheet. Philips Semiconductors. EPITAXIAL PLANAR NPN TRANSISTOR.
Revision No : 2. GENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATION. Datasheet ( data sheet ) search for integrated circuits (ic), . Image - Bipolartransistor, NPN, 45V, 8A, 625W. Maximum Ratings. Emitter-base voltage.
A 3-Pin TO-Bulk. This datasheet has been download from:. NXP Semiconductors. Trans GP BJT NPN 45V 0. MAXIMUM RATINGS. These are Pb−Free Devices. Symbol Value Unit. SMALL SIGNAL NPN TRANSISTORS.
PRELIMINARY DATA s. Any changes of specification will not be informed individually. When looking at the flat side with the leads pointed downwar the . Micro Electronics . Continental Device India Limited. IC = mA, IB = 0).
SPICE Datasheets Context Search bc3TRANSISTOR equivalent. Stages and Low Power Output Stages. Switching and ampplifier applications. Suitable for AF-driver stagees and power output stages. Collector-base Vcbo = 50V.
It is also a must to have transistor in your lab, . BC547C datasheet, BC547C pdf, BC547C data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf,.
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